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Development and History of Nylon
By Michael Andreson

The booming age of technology has seen countless developments for man's luxury over the years. Some of these inventions and discoveries have been successful and have maintained their hold in the market over the years while others have not been able to achieve that high level of general customer demand and have henceforth faded with the passage of time.

A member of the former category is nylon. The diverse usage of this synthetic polyamide is not a hidden fact. The versatility of nylon has made waves in the market and has a high level of customer demand, both the regular category as well as the industrial one. As a matter of fact, the utilities of nylon has increased so much that it is hard to imagine an era without this synthetic fabric. This is one of the main reasons why the history of nylon has not been a much highlighted topic of discussion.

It has been said that the introduction of nylon in the market was never presumed to have the current diverse degrees of application in the industry as well as in textiles. This lack of vision remained there for years until awareness of the immeasurable utility of this synthetic polyamide was realized and acknowledged with the help of research and development.

In addition to that, the importance of nylon was further affirmed by the consumers' demand for the products that contain nylon. One of the pioneers of this research was the DuPont Company. It was in the year 1907 that this research began in the Chemical Department of the research quarters of this company. At that time, other products manufactured at DuPont were inclusive of cellophane, plastics, rayon and paints.

The development of nylon played a great role in enhancing the manufacturing efficiency of the company as well as improving the image of DuPont in terms of its contribution towards scientific developments. For this very purpose, experts in the technical dimension (the criterion being their academic achievements) were hired.

At first, the established lads in the business were tried but soon the head of the project, Charles Stine, realized that it was a more productive and effective strategy to utilize younger people whose talent was yet to be tested. It not only gave the project an extra boom of efficiency and energy in attribution to the enthusiasm of the youth, but also gave the people a chance to develop confidence on an individual basis.

The crux of these combined efforts played its part and materialized the formal introduction of nylon which was brought forth in the market of synthetic fabrics. During this process, a number of research papers were published, the gist of which revolved around essentials of the polymer research and documents that latter became benchmarks of guidance for the nylon industry.

By the year 1930, Nylon had already come into being but the profitability of the product was restricted due to some reasons. Nevertheless, the feat was achieved and today, nylon is one of the most widely used fabrics in the world.

Michael Andreson is a safety expert. You may consult him for usage of temporary shelters and how they help in disaster management at

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